Happy Friday

Feliz Viernes! (Happy Friday!) [Swahili: Ijumaa ya Furaha]
The younger group of children:
Are continuing to learn about their body parts in terms of their function
They are practicing their letter recognition; learning the first alphabet of their names
In addition to practicing their number recognition
The children enjoy experimenting and working with the various colors and shapes
They really enjoy reading books about dinosaurs and exploring the different sounds made by dinosaurs.
In the art studio,
The children created a collage
The children experimented with slime, using their sensorial sense
They also enjoy working with different modes of painting, this week the children painted with shaving cream and paint
The children are also very fascinated with balloons, and enjoy playing with them.
The older group of children:
The children are interested in learning and speaking different languages
Most of them enjoy counting their numbers in Spanish, especially when we are doing our morning stretches
We want the children to be exposed various languages and learn about the different cultures
This week the children were introduced to the common language of East Africa which is known as Swahili, we have learned the numbers 1-10
Parents we would love to have your input and feedback if you would like to share any information on the East African countries
Since the children show a lot of interest in learning different languages, we will be incorporating many other cultures. If you would like to share any information on a specific country please let the teachers know.
The children's interest continues with creating their own houses, castles, and zoos while including dinosaurs and other animals.
They also are interested in working with puzzles, many of them are very determined to complete the puzzles.
Language and mathematics are incorporated daily in the children's activities
In the art studio,
The children continued working and building their puppet theater
They have already built the theater and are in the process of finishing up the painting
The children participated in making slime, they had the opportunity to measure and stir the ingredients together.
They all really loved it!
The children also had the opportunity to create different things using straws and slime, many created spiders!
The children also had the opportunity to create their own blow painting monsters, they drew their own monster with a black marker then poured paint on their paper and spread the paint using the straws
We hope you all have a good weekend!